Stewarton Tournaments and Events
- Parent Category: POLO CLUBS
- Uploaded by Stew On for Stewarton
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This season seems to be going so quickly. Not long ago it was cold, dreich and Summer seemed ages away and now here we are already through a third of the season.The diary seems absolutely full at the moment but we have managed to schedule in a few events that are open to everyone not just members.
June 1st - Start of 6 week course
June 17th/18th - Stewarton tournament
July sometime - Jack Kidd 3 day camp
August 12th/13th - Ladies tournament
The six week course is perfect for those with no experience of Polo but some riding experience who would like to get started in Polo. It will cover all the basics and have you ready to play games by the end.We are delighted that Jack Kidd is going to make a foray North to run a 3 day camp. This should be great fun and is suitable for experienced polo players. Think pony club for adults. We very much hope you will come with or without ponies and either stay on site in tents or in the local premier inn at the bottom of the road. There will be plenty of Polo and on the Saturday night we will have a party. We hope to schedule this the middle of July.If you would like to enter the tournaments or sign up for one of the courses, just send us an email or call. Places are very limited so get in touch now to book your place.

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